boy. I am all out of kilter, cos of the clocks going forward 1 hour here in Britain... Was at a wedding celebration yesterday and so the bar stayed open longer than usual because of the time change - mmm it was a good idea at the time to order some extra drinks. The barman did keep bringing us hot buttered toast though. Delicious, though a bit odd with Amaretto on ice.
Also, SMOKING has been totally banned in all public enclosed spaces as of today here in Scotland. I am an ex smoker and notice now, more than ever, that smoke is so...smoky. It'll will be good to go to the pub without having your smoking friends flap their fag around ineffectually somewhere near their feet in an effort not to get smoke in your eyes. Always thought that would make a good silent videoart installation.Good luck to those people who are using this new law to try to stop smoking.
David Hockney (the painter, whose work I love) was on TV today saying that the people who made this law are "mean spirited". I am sorry David, but get a grip. You can still have a fag/pipe/cigar outside if you do so wish - but hopefully the killer weed will have less of a stranglehold on the nation now that is nearly impossible to light up.
The response to my Illustration Friday efforts has been great - THANKYOU for lots of lovely comments! Its brilliant looking at everyone else's work - so many people are busy illustrating around the world, its great.
bed zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz z z z z z z z z z