Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I got a lovely email yesterday from Charlene Chua, a Toronto based illustrator, who is also involved in the Illustrophile blog.
She has put up a little feature about me with links to my site - in particular the lettering I do. I was really chuffed - but more so because I had never heard of Illustrophile (I think it is new) and it is a wee cracker of a blog - as they say, it's an " illustration blog for lovers of all forms of illustration and commercial art"

There are LOADS of links to other illustrators, styles, interviews and other Illustration Associations - I'll need to get them to put up Scottish Illustrators too!


Glen McBeth said...

illustration 'veteran' tee hee

Jill Calder said...

I know - i feel ancient now - and I don't even have a meadl to show for it, never mind a row of medals.
FYI, I've not hit 40 yet. I did think about saying something but It probably would come across as vain


Jill Calder said...

MEADL? saturday morning typo, folks.

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