Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sumo Design

Lovely job this for Sumo Design in Newcastle - they have given me quite a bit of freedom to come up with ideas for a set of 6 B/W illustrations which they can use to show their clients how they promote the Arts through design.
Bit naughty this, as it hasn't been approved yet (sorry Jim) but I like the looseness of my drawing here and the fact the Storyteller has brought a bird with her to the classroom.
Really lovely just working in b/w again too - I found a bottle of Windsor and Newton ink I remember buying when I was a student and it has stood the test of time.
Treated myself to some decent Fabriano paper too, quite rough mould but actually really good for pen and ink drawing (no snagging and resulting ink splats)

Otherwise I am busy getting ready to start teaching at eca again - term starts next week and I will be working with 2nd Year students (ie new to specialising in Illustration from their general art courses)all week, so I have a juicy little project about creating characters which will keep them well as all the location drawing I have planned for them!
Next week is also busy at college for helping put the final touches to our 500 Years of Printing exhibition, which is called "Open Here" but I will do a separate post, with links for that.

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